The Eco-Fika Event was held at Nordic Centre on June 22, 2019 to commemorate and follow up on the World Environment Day (5th June).

Delhi-NCR has become particularly vulnerable to climate change due to high concentration of people, infrastructures, housing and economic activities. Climate change increases the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, aggravates water management problems, reducing food security, increases health risks, damages critical infrastructure and interrupts the provision of basic services such water and sanitation, education, energy and transport. Conscious steps need to be introduced by citizens, in their everyday lives, to reduce their carbon footprint.

With that objective, the Eco-Fika Event was held at Nordic Centre on June 22, 2019 to commemorate and follow up on the World Environment Day (5th June). The event was inspired by the concept developed by the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (Naturskyddsföreningen), which encourages participants to come together to think and talk about the effects on the environment from the way they choose to eat, drink and live.

The Event was held at the Nordic Centre, New Delhi and presentations and case studies were shared about:

  • Initiating community action to make Delhi-NCR more environmentally sensitive and sustainable. Emphasis was laid on wide-scale and urgent steps to avoid further human, social and economic losses
  • Substituting lifestyle toxins with organic options in food, clothing, personal care products etc
  • Exploring and implementing viable options for clean air, water and energy

The Event concluded with the participants sharing their learnings and experiences over organic coffee and snacks, taking up green challenges and pledging to live eco-friendly lifestyles.

POSTED BY admin | Sep, 09, 2019 |