
FDI Internship Program


The FDI Internship program provides an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students from diverse backgrounds to engage in career exploration and development as well as a chance to learn new skills.

We welcome volunteers and interns for short duration assignments (minimum period of 4 weeks) from all areas –

  • Development Studies
  • Environment Studies
  • Public Health
  • Gender Studies
  • Education
  • Public Policy and Research
  • Sustainability
  • Marketing
  • Information Technology and Social Media

The above is not an exhaustive list, FDI is open to receive innovative ideas from volunteers who are  encouraged to apply depending on their skills and interests. We offer a variety of research and non-research opportunities. Our interns have, in the past, carried out fieldwork on our ongoing projects as well as assisted us in research. We ensure that the interns are assigned projects matching with their educational background and experience. The internship programme is geared in such a way that the interns are able to

  • supplement their theoretical knowledge with real world experience
  • convert ideas into action by employing advocacy and campaigning using FDI’s platform and guidance
  • learn and practice operational aspects
  • hone their networking skills

We treat our interns as part of FDI family and they get opportunity to interact with the entire team, enhancing their cross-functional learning. They also get access to the resources of FDI and participate in events and workshops.

Almost all our interns continue to stay in contact with us even after completing their specified projects and return time and again to volunteer for new projects.


  • Should be at least 18 years of age
  • Should have completed or pursuing undergraduate studies
  • Should agree to abide by values upheld by FDI – Integrity, Transparency, Inclusivity, Secularism, Compassion and Collaboration
  • Should be committed to the cause and agree to devote time and energy to the assigned project

Types of Internships

Student Internships – Typically, such internships are for duration of 8-12 weeks in summers or 4-6 weeks in winters. College students may also need to supplement their coursework with part-time field work during their semesters. FDI team is willing to structure the internship programmes to suit the requirements for academic credits. FDI offers certificates upon completion of Internships that are eligible for credits from Universities.

Internships for Corporates – FDI also partners with organizations who are interested in sponsoring their staff for specified projects, for their CSR work or philanthropic projects.

Colleges, universities and organizations interested in providing academic credit, or providing funding through external sponsorships as part of FDI Institution’s internship program, should send an email to

Schools willing to structure joint programmes with FDI to introduce their students to volunteering and development projects are also welcome to send their requests. As students could be less than 18 years of age, FDI would require special consents and No Objection Certificates from Parents / Guardian.

Internship Listings